terça-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2022

SDL #62: Lançamento de Red Moon of April no PSVIta, Progresso de Red Moon: Lost Days e Helltaker

Bem-vindos a mais um episódio do SDL o podcast do Neuromage Studio.

No SDL de hoje Sansigolo fala sobre o Lançamento de Red Moon of April no PlayStation VIta, o Progresso de Red Moon: Lost Days e Helltaker

Comentado no Podcast:

Primeira foto de Red Moon PSVita: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo/status/1486448148209934336

Tweet propaganda de anúncio de Red Moon Vita: https://twitter.com/RedMoonVN/status/1489669030256459776

Screenshot capítulo 7 Red Moon: Lost Days: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo/status/1486117565562859525

Screenshot capítulo 6 Red Moon: Lost Days: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo/status/1482055794912813065

Helltaker: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1289310/Helltaker/

Tweet lançamento de Red Moon PSVita: https://twitter.com/RedMoonVN/status/1489669030256459776

Tweet lançamento de Demo Red Moon: Lost Days: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo/status/1462826959721873413

Red Moon: Lost Days: https://neuromage.itch.io/red-moon-lost-days

Red Moon of April: https://neuromage.itch.io/red-moon-of-april

The Lighthouse of Sao Bento do Oeste: https://neuromage.itch.io/lighthouse

If: https://neuromage.itch.io/if

Contato Pessoal:

Site: https://neuromage.itch.io/
Twitter Pessoal: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
Twitter do Neuromage Studio: https://twitter.com/NeuromStudio
Twitter do SDL: https://twitter.com/PodcastSDL

Caso você queira ver:
Artstation: http://www.artstation.com/artist/gsansigolo

Siga os feeds dos podcasts do viveiro artificial:
SDL: https://feeds.feedburner.com/SDLCast
Esper Show: https://feeds.feedburner.com/EsperShow

Siga-me nas redes sociais para acompanhar todos os meus projetos:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
YouTube: https://youtube.com/gabrielsansigolo
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/g_sansigolo/

Check out this episode!