sábado, 5 de dezembro de 2020

SDL #49: Termino da tradução, If, Red Moon of April: Lost Days e Resident Evl 3

Bem-vindos a mais um episódio do SDL o podcast do Studio Neuromage.

No SDL de hoje Sansigolo fala sobre o Termino da tradução, If, Red Moon of April: Lost Days e Resident Evl 3

Comentado no Podcast:


s:// com/G_Sansigolo/status/1305677359681613825?s=20

Submissão para o indiepocalypse: https://itch.io/jam/indiepocalypse-issue-12-paying-anthology/rate/461616

Red Moon of April: https://neuromage.itch.io/red-moon-of-april

The Lighthouse of Sao Bento do Oeste: https://neuromage.itch.io/lighthouse

If: https://neuromage.itch.io/if

Primeiro SDL sobre Red Moon: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/8387675

Contato Pessoal:

Site: https://neuromage.itch.io/
Twitter Pessoal: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
Twitter do Red Moon: https://twitter.com/RedMoonVN
Twitter do SDL: https://twitter.com/PodcastSDL

Caso você queira ver:
Artstation: http://www.artstation.com/artist/gsansigolo

Siga os feeds dos podcasts do viveiro artificial:
SDL: https://feeds.feedburner.com/SDLCast
Esper Show: https://feeds.feedburner.com/EsperShow
Odisseia: http://feeds.feedburner.com/PodcastOdisseia

Siga-me nas redes sociais para acompanhar todos os meus projetos:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
YouTube: https://youtube.com/gabrielsansigolo
Instagram: https://instagram.com/g_sansigolo

Check out this episode!

domingo, 8 de novembro de 2020

SDL #48: Segunda Boss, Continuação da Tradução, Neo Geo MVS e Micro Mages

Bem-vindos a mais um episódio do SDL o podcast do Studio Neuromage.

No SDL de hoje Sansigolo fala sobre a Segunda Boss, a Continuação da Tradução, o Neo Geo MVS e Micro Mages

Comentado no Podcast:

Segunda Tenente: https://twitter.com/RedMoonVN/status/1316548365581246465?s=20

Segunda Boss: https://twitter.com/RedMoonVN/status/1319234052273090562?s=20

Micro Mages: https://morphcatgames.itch.io/micromagessttps://twitter.com/RedMoonVN/status/1319234052273090562?s=20


Red Moon of April: https://neuromage.itch.io/red-moon-of-april

The Lighthouse of Sao Bento do Oeste: https://neuromage.itch.io/lighthouse

If: https://neuromage.itch.io/if

Primeiro SDL sobre Red Moon: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/8387675

Contato Pessoal:

Site: https://neuromage.itch.io/
Twitter Pessoal: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
Twitter do Red Moon: https://twitter.com/RedMoonVN
Twitter do SDL: https://twitter.com/PodcastSDL

Caso você queira ver:
Artstation: http://www.artstation.com/artist/gsansigolo

Siga os feeds dos podcasts do viveiro artificial:
SDL: https://feeds.feedburner.com/SDLCast
Esper Show: https://feeds.feedburner.com/EsperShow
Odisseia: http://feeds.feedburner.com/PodcastOdisseia

Siga-me nas redes sociais para acompanhar todos os meus projetos:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
YouTube: https://youtube.com/gabrielsansigolo
Instagram: https://instagram.com/g_sansigolo

Check out this episode!

domingo, 4 de outubro de 2020

SDL #47: Texto de Batalha, Backgrounds Animados, Próximos Passos e Console Wars

Bem-vindos a mais um episódio do SDL o podcast do Studio Neuromage.

No SDL de hoje Sansigolo fala sobre Texto de Batalha, Backgrounds Animados, Próximos Passos e Console Wars.

Comentado no Podcast:

Gravação da Defesa de Mestrado: https://youtu.be/wOXUcmjZK7o

Texto de Batalha: https://twitter.com/RedMoonVN/status/1307510813218025472

Backgrounds Animados (antigo): https://twitter.com/RedMoonVN/status/1308960856500310016

Versão física de Lighthouse: https://twitter.com/RedMoonVN/status/1308960856500310016https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo/status/1305677359681613825?s=20

Red Moon of April: https://neuromage.itch.io/red-moon-of-april

The Lighthouse of Sao Bento do Oeste: https://neuromage.itch.io/lighthouse

If: https://neuromage.itch.io/if

SDL sobre The Lighthouse of Sao Bento do Oeste: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/13835957

SDL sobre IF: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/10831157

Primeiro SDL sobre Red Moon: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/8387675

Contato Pessoal:

Site: https://neuromage.itch.io/
Twitter Pessoal: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
Twitter do Red Moon: https://twitter.com/RedMoonVN
Twitter do SDL: https://twitter.com/PodcastSDL

Caso você queira ver:
Artstation: http://www.artstation.com/artist/gsansigolo

Siga os feeds dos podcasts do viveiro artificial:
SDL: https://feeds.feedburner.com/SDLCast
Esper Show: https://feeds.feedburner.com/EsperShow
Odisseia: http://feeds.feedburner.com/PodcastOdisseia

Siga-me nas redes sociais para acompanhar todos os meus projetos:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
YouTube: https://youtube.com/gabrielsansigolo
Instagram: https://instagram.com/g_sansigolo

Check out this episode!

sábado, 5 de setembro de 2020

SDL #46: Nova Demo, Revisão de Diálogos, Atualizações na Batalha e Devil Summoner

Bem-vindos a mais um episódio do SDL o podcast do Studio Neuromage.

No SDL de hoje Sansigolo fala sobre a Nova Demo, a Revisão de Diálogos, a Atualizações na Batalha e Devil Summoner.

Comentado no Podcast:

Novo Cap 5: https://twitter.com/RedMoonVN/status/1295887019470618624

Tela de Dicas de Batalha: https://twitter.com/RedMoonVN/status/1297328233885634562

Tweet Sobre a Nova Demo: https://twitter.com/RedMoonVN/status/1298461281767350273

Red Moon of April: https://neuromage.itch.io/red-moon-of-april

The Lighthouse of Sao Bento do Oeste: https://neuromage.itch.io/lighthouse

If: https://neuromage.itch.io/if

SDL sobre The Lighthouse of Sao Bento do Oeste: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/13835957

SDL sobre IF: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/10831157

Primeiro SDL sobre Red Moon: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/8387675

Contato Pessoal:

Site: https://neuromage.itch.io/
Twitter Pessoal: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
Twitter do Red Moon: https://twitter.com/RedMoonVN
Twitter do SDL: https://twitter.com/PodcastSDL

Caso você queira ver:
Artstation: http://www.artstation.com/artist/gsansigolo

Siga os feeds dos podcasts do viveiro artificial:
SDL: https://feeds.feedburner.com/SDLCast
Esper Show: https://feeds.feedburner.com/EsperShow
Odisseia: http://feeds.feedburner.com/PodcastOdisseia

Siga-me nas redes sociais para acompanhar todos os meus projetos:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
YouTube: https://youtube.com/gabrielsansigolo
Instagram: https://instagram.com/g_sansigolo

Check out this episode!

domingo, 16 de agosto de 2020

SDL #45: Devil Summoner, Navegação de Mapa, Projeto Fighting Game e Feedbacks de Red Moon

Bem-vindos a mais um episódio do SDL o podcast do Studio Neuromage.

No SDL de hoje Sansigolo fala sobre Devil Summoner, Navegação de Mapa, Projeto Fighting Game e Feedbacks de Red Moon

Comentado no Podcast:

Navegação de Mapas: https://twitter.com/neuromstudio/status/1290431068034695170

Destaque Pontos: https://twitter.com/neuromstudio/status/1291180523323351042

Tela de Início de Capítulo: https://twitter.com/RedMoonVN/status/1293712242450538496

Novos Icones de Batalha: https://twitter.com/RedMoonVN/status/1295063259389857799

Red Moon of April: https://neuromage.itch.io/red-moon-of-april

The Lighthouse of Sao Bento do Oeste: https://neuromage.itch.io/lighthouse

If: https://neuromage.itch.io/if

SDL sobre The Lighthouse of Sao Bento do Oeste: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/13835957

SDL sobre IF: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/10831157

Primeiro SDL sobre Red Moon: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/8387675

Contato Pessoal:

Site: https://neuromage.itch.io/
Twitter Pessoal: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
Twitter do Red Moon: https://twitter.com/RedMoonVN
Twitter do SDL: https://twitter.com/PodcastSDL

Caso você queira ver:
Artstation: http://www.artstation.com/artist/gsansigolo

Siga os feeds dos podcasts do viveiro artificial:
SDL: https://feeds.feedburner.com/SDLCast
Esper Show: https://feeds.feedburner.com/EsperShow
Odisseia: http://feeds.feedburner.com/PodcastOdisseia

Siga-me nas redes sociais para acompanhar todos os meus projetos:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
YouTube: https://youtube.com/gabrielsansigolo
Instagram: https://instagram.com/g_sansigolo

Check out this episode!

terça-feira, 28 de julho de 2020

SDL #44: Red Moon of April, Próximos Passos e Neptune Engine

Bem-vindos a mais um episódio do SDL o podcast do Studio Neuromage.

No SDL de hoje Sansigolo fala sobre o lançamendo da demo de Red Moon of April, os próximos passos e Neptune Engine

Comentado no Podcast:

Trailer RMA YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWOjx3OXaRw

Página RMA Itch.io: https://neuromage.itch.io/red-moon-of-april

The Lighthouse of Sao Bento do Oeste: https://neuromage.itch.io/lighthouse

If: https://neuromage.itch.io/if

SDL sobre The Lighthouse of Sao Bento do Oeste: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/13835957

SDL sobre IF: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/10831157

Primeiro SDL sobre RMA: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/8387675

Contato Pessoal:

Site: https://neuromage.itch.io/
Twitter Pessoal: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
Twitter do Red Moon: https://twitter.com/RedMoonVN
Twitter do SDL: https://twitter.com/PodcastSDL

Caso você queira ver:
Artstation: http://www.artstation.com/artist/gsansigolo

Siga os feeds dos podcasts do viveiro artificial:
SDL: https://feeds.feedburner.com/SDLCast
Esper Show: https://feeds.feedburner.com/EsperShow
Odisseia: http://feeds.feedburner.com/PodcastOdisseia

Siga-me nas redes sociais para acompanhar todos os meus projetos:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
YouTube: https://youtube.com/gabrielsansigolo
Instagram: https://instagram.com/g_sansigolo

Check out this episode!

segunda-feira, 27 de julho de 2020

Red Moon of April

A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux.


Red Moon of April is a Sci-Fi visual novel about Kohime a Japanese girl who, after losing everything, set off on a one-month journey riding her Metal Knight.

Eighteen years have passed but the shadow of the Great War is still upon the world. The war was between China and United States of America. This war was ignited by a series of sanctions imposed by United States, eventually including a total ban on trade between China-backed countries. A feature of the Great War was the use of war robots, pilot-operated biped machines, known as Metal Knights. Because of the use of then the war lasted nine months. When China won the war, the world changed. Now the world is divided into nations. Are they: United Europe, New Russia Union, Japanese Empire, New World and Great China. What brings the military balance between the nations are the Metal Knights. That is reason why each of the Big Five has Metal Knights. With the end of the war, the nations ceased the production and use of Metal Knights. This agreement is known as the Shanghai Pact. After the pact was sealed there was peace. 

Everything changed when Great China broke the pact and decided to attack the frontiers of the Japanese Empire, in order to regain all territories lost to Japan. The year is 2037, it’s been a month since Great China began their Japanese campaign, a war between Great China and the Japanese Empire.
Your name is Kohime Togashi, daughter of Hideo Togashi and Akane Togashi. You were born in Japan, before it became the Japanese Empire. But you grew up on the border of the United Europe with Great China, formerly known as the Middle-East. The battles between the United States and China happened there, eighteen years ago.

Kohime is a charismatic girl, daughter of Hideo Togashi and Akane Togashi, she was born in Japan, before it became the Japanese Empire. Despite that, Kohime grew up on Middle East.

Akane Togashi is a hardworking woman, who decided to help the war wounded in the Middle East. She works as a surgeon at Aegis Hospital. Before that, in Japan, she worked at Kyoto Tenshin Hospital.

Hideo Togashi is a charismatic man, who is a world-famous surgeon, people from all over the world used to schedule surgeries with him. Along side with Akane, he came to the Middle East. He works as a surgeon at Aegis Hospital. 

Jess is very intelligent woman, she is one of the leading scientists on the United Europe Metal Knights project. She came to Middle East to do volunteer work at a refugee camps. 

-Amazing character, backgrounds and CG art from @amkitani
-Original soundtrack from Guilherme Crispim
-Nonlinear narrative with multiple paths
-Turn-based combat system with incredible animations
-Narrative based social link system
-Multiple languages (Portuguese and English)
-Extra features including a stats distribution system and a combat skip option

The demo is a sample of the full game and because of the narrative selected chapters the story was incomplete. The demo contains the first ten chapters of the game, a selection of scenes that gives a context the whole story. However, it is important to highlight that the narrative is incomplete, the full story of the game is not represented by the first ten chapters.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

quarta-feira, 1 de julho de 2020

SDL #43: Nova estimativa para demo, Trabalho em progresso, Revisão dos diálogos e The Last of Us: Left Behind

Bem-vindos a mais um episódio do SDL o podcast do Studio Neuromage.

No SDL de hoje Sansigolo fala sobre a nova estimativa para demo, trabalho em progresso, revisão dos diálogos e The Last of Us: Left Behind.

Comentado no Podcast:

Página Itch.io: https://neuromage.itch.io/

The Lighthouse of Sao Bento do Oeste: https://neuromage.itch.io/lighthouse

Nova versão do jogo If: https://neuromage.itch.io/if

SDL sobre The Lighthouse of Sao Bento do Oeste: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/13835957

SDL sobre IF: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/10831157

Primeiro SDL sobre RMA: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/8387675

Contato Pessoal:

Site: https://neuromage.itch.io/
Twitter Pessoal: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
Twitter do Red Moon: https://twitter.com/RedMoonVN
Twitter do SDL: https://twitter.com/PodcastSDL

Caso você queira ver:
Artstation: http://www.artstation.com/artist/gsansigolo

Siga os feeds dos podcasts do viveiro artificial:
SDL: https://feeds.feedburner.com/SDLCast
Esper Show: https://feeds.feedburner.com/EsperShow
Odisseia: http://feeds.feedburner.com/PodcastOdisseia

Siga-me nas redes sociais para acompanhar todos os meus projetos:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
YouTube: https://youtube.com/gabrielsansigolo
Instagram: https://instagram.com/g_sansigolo

Check out this episode!

segunda-feira, 1 de junho de 2020

SDL #42: Descrição dos personagens, novo Rogue Alpha, termino da revisão da Demo e Sakura Wars

Bem-vindos a mais um episódio do SDL o podcast do Studio Neuromage.

No SDL de hoje Sansigolo fala sobre descrição dos personagens, novo Rogue Alpha, termino da revisão da Demo de RMA e Sakura Wars

Comentado no Podcast:

Página Itch.io: https://neuromage.itch.io/

Animação de Golpe: https://twitter.com/RedMoonVN/status/1248027621482532865?s=20

Bate-Papo com pessoal do Solta Ficha:  https://youtu.be/FkyC18_lfTY

The Lighthouse of Sao Bento do Oeste: https://neuromage.itch.io/lighthouse

Nova versão do jogo If: https://neuromage.itch.io/if

SDL sobre The Lighthouse of Sao Bento do Oeste: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/13835957

SDL sobre IF: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/10831157

Primeiro SDL sobre RMA: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/8387675

Contato Pessoal:

Site: https://neuromage.itch.io/
Twitter Pessoal: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
Twitter do Red Moon: https://twitter.com/RedMoonVN
Twitter do SDL: https://twitter.com/PodcastSDL

Caso você queira ver:
Artstation: http://www.artstation.com/artist/gsansigolo

Siga os feeds dos podcasts do viveiro artificial:
SDL: https://feeds.feedburner.com/SDLCast
Esper Show: https://feeds.feedburner.com/EsperShow
Odisseia: http://feeds.feedburner.com/PodcastOdisseia

Siga-me nas redes sociais para acompanhar todos os meus projetos:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
YouTube: https://youtube.com/gabrielsansigolo
Instagram: https://instagram.com/g_sansigolo

Check out this episode!

quinta-feira, 30 de abril de 2020

SDL #41: Atualizações de RMA, Lançamento da Demo, Futuro de Nightfall Riot e Persona 1

Bem-vindos a mais um episódio do SDL o podcast do Studio Neuromage.

No SDL de hoje Sansigolo fala sobre atualizações de Red Moon of April, o lançamento da demo, o futuro de Nightfall Riot e Persona 1.

Comentado no Podcast:

Trailer: https://youtu.be/i9ht_zCcSRw

Capa/Manual: https://tinyurl.com/lighthouseNTSC

Trás: https://tinyurl.com/lighthouseNTSC2

Warpzone: http://warpzone.me/the-lighthouse-of-sao-bento-do-oeste-novo-jogo-para-sega-saturn/

Retroheadz: https://www.retroheadz.com/retro-games/the-lighthouse-of-sao-bento-do-oeste-sega-saturn-game/

The Lighthouse of Sao Bento do Oeste: https://neuromage.itch.io/lighthouse

Nova versão do jogo If: https://neuromage.itch.io/if

SDL sobre The Lighthouse of Sao Bento do Oeste: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/13835957

SDL sobre IF: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/10831157

Primeiro SDL sobre RMA #16: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/8387675

Contato Pessoal:

Site: https://neuromage.itch.io/
Twitter Pessoal: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
Twitter do Red Moon: https://twitter.com/RedMoonVN
Twitter do SDL: https://twitter.com/PodcastSDL

Caso você queira ver:
Artstation: http://www.artstation.com/artist/gsansigolo

Siga os feeds dos podcasts do viveiro artificial:
SDL: https://feeds.feedburner.com/SDLCast
Esper Show: https://feeds.feedburner.com/EsperShow
Odisseia: http://feeds.feedburner.com/PodcastOdisseia

Siga-me nas redes sociais para acompanhar todos os meus projetos:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
YouTube: https://youtube.com/gabrielsansigolo
Instagram: https://instagram.com/g_sansigolo

Check out this episode!

sábado, 4 de abril de 2020

The Lighthouse of Sao Bento do Oeste

A downloadable visual novel for Sega Saturn. 

Detective Renne Bras travels to the small town of São Bento do Oeste to investigate the mysterious disappearance of a couple at the city’s lighthouse. Submitted in this 2020's Jogabilidade game jam (#Geleiabilidade) The theme of the jam was "Mystery" and "Break-ups". 

You are Renne Bras, an ordinary detective. You entered the business seven years ago, just after the end of your longest relationship. You became famous for solving the case of kidnappings in the capital. Ever since you never picked up jobs that involved disappearance cases. Everything changed when days ago you received a message from an old friend.

Renne long time no see, I am sending this message because I am running out of hope. A couple of my friends went missing a week ago. I called the police but they were unable to find evidence to proceed. I would like to hire you to investigate this case. I live in Sao Bento do Oeste, Minas Gerais, near the border with Sao Paulo. Please help me Renne, you are my only hope.
With love, - Julia.

sexta-feira, 3 de abril de 2020

SDL #40: O Farol de São Bento do Oeste, Nightfall Riot e Evangelion

Bem-vindos a mais um episódio do SDL o podcast do Studio Neuromage.

No SDL de hoje Sansigolo fala sobre O Farol de São Bento do Oeste, Nightfall Riot e Evangelion

Comentado no Podcast:

O Farol de São Bento do Oeste: https://neuromage.itch.io/lighthouse

Nova versão do jogo If: https://neuromage.itch.io/if

SDL sobre IF: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/10831157

Primeiro SDL sobre RMA #16: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/8387675

Contato Pessoal:

Site: https://neuromage.itch.io/
Twitter Pessoal: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
Twitter do Red Moon: https://twitter.com/RedMoonVN
Twitter do SDL: https://twitter.com/PodcastSDL

Caso você queira ver:
Artstation: http://www.artstation.com/artist/gsansigolo

Siga os feeds dos podcasts do viveiro artificial:
SDL: https://feeds.feedburner.com/SDLCast
Esper Show: https://feeds.feedburner.com/EsperShow
Odisseia: http://feeds.feedburner.com/PodcastOdisseia

Siga-me nas redes sociais para acompanhar todos os meus projetos:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
YouTube: https://youtube.com/gabrielsansigolo
Instagram: https://instagram.com/g_sansigolo

Check out this episode!

segunda-feira, 2 de março de 2020

SDL #39: Nightfall Riot, Red Moon of April e The Last of Us

Bem-vindos a mais um episódio do SDL o podcast do Studio Neuromage.

No SDL de hoje Sansigolo fala sobre Nightfall Riot, a Tradução de Red Moon of April e The Last of Us.

Comentado no Podcast:

Nightfall Riot - Gameplay: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo/status/1231396709009428481?s=20

Nightfall Riot - Diálogo: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo/status/1228767314134413314?s=20

Nova versão do jogo If: https://neuromage.itch.io/if

SDL sobre IF: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/10831157

Primeiro SDL sobre RMA #16: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/8387675

Contato Pessoal:

Site: https://neuromage.itch.io/
Twitter Pessoal: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
Twitter do Red Moon: https://twitter.com/RedMoonVN
Twitter do SDL: https://twitter.com/PodcastSDL

Caso você queira ver:
Artstation: http://www.artstation.com/artist/gsansigolo

Siga os feeds dos podcasts do viveiro artificial:
SDL: https://feeds.feedburner.com/SDLCast
Esper Show: https://feeds.feedburner.com/EsperShow
Odisseia: http://feeds.feedburner.com/PodcastOdisseia

Siga-me nas redes sociais para acompanhar todos os meus projetos:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
YouTube: https://youtube.com/gabrielsansigolo
Instagram: https://instagram.com/g_sansigolo

Check out this episode!

segunda-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2020

SDL #38: Termino da Tradução da Demo, Interface de Usuário e Sakura Wars V: So Long, My Love

Bem-vindos a mais um episódio do SDL o podcast do Studio Neuromage.

No SDL de hoje Sansigolo fala sobre Termino da Tradução da Demo, Interface de Usuário e Sakura Wars V: So Long, My Love

Comentado no Podcast:

Neptune - Diálogo: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo/status/1215820534514057221?s=20

Documentário Série Sakura Wars: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4qWvZWZfE8&list=PLPnLfDfxVnbVJQzZ3LvJzavWy241cr4dj

Nova versão do jogo If: https://neuromage.itch.io/if

SDL sobre IF: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/10831157

Primeiro SDL sobre RMA #16: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/8387675

Contato Pessoal:

Site: https://neuromage.itch.io/
Twitter Pessoal: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
Twitter do Red Moon: https://twitter.com/RedMoonVN
Twitter do SDL: https://twitter.com/PodcastSDL

Caso você queira ver:
Artstation: http://www.artstation.com/artist/gsansigolo

Siga os feeds dos podcasts do viveiro artificial:
SDL: https://feeds.feedburner.com/SDLCast
Esper Show: https://feeds.feedburner.com/EsperShow
Odisseia: http://feeds.feedburner.com/PodcastOdisseia

Siga-me nas redes sociais para acompanhar todos os meus projetos:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
YouTube: https://youtube.com/gabrielsansigolo
Instagram: https://instagram.com/g_sansigolo

Check out this episode!

segunda-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2020

SDL #37: Atualizações de RMA, Sega Saturn, Neptune e Tech Demo

Bem-vindos a mais um episódio do SDL o podcast do Studio Neuromage.

No SDL de hoje Sansigolo fala sobre Atualizações de RMA, Sega Saturn, Neptune e Tech Demo.

Comentado no Podcast:

Neptune - Diálogo: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo/status/1215820534514057221?s=20

Neptune - Tela Titulo: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo/status/1218345565588787200?s=20

Neptune - 3D Câmera e Movimento: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo/status/1219050485967216640?s=20

Nova versão do jogo If: https://neuromage.itch.io/if

SDL sobre IF: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/10831157

Primeiro SDL sobre RMA #16: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/sdlcast/id/8387675

Contato Pessoal:

Site: https://neuromage.itch.io/
Twitter Pessoal: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
Twitter do Red Moon: https://twitter.com/RedMoonVN
Twitter do SDL: https://twitter.com/PodcastSDL

Caso você queira ver:
Artstation: http://www.artstation.com/artist/gsansigolo

Siga os feeds dos podcasts do viveiro artificial:
SDL: https://feeds.feedburner.com/SDLCast
Esper Show: https://feeds.feedburner.com/EsperShow
Odisseia: http://feeds.feedburner.com/PodcastOdisseia

Siga-me nas redes sociais para acompanhar todos os meus projetos:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/G_Sansigolo
YouTube: https://youtube.com/gabrielsansigolo
Instagram: https://instagram.com/g_sansigolo

Check out this episode!

segunda-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2020